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UML(Unified Modeling Language)

by 신방동불주먹 2022. 10. 6.



이클립스에 클래스 다이어그램 설치하기 (Amateras UML)




  1. Eclipse: [help] >  [install software] > work with: http://takezoe.github.io/amateras-update-site

Amateras Eclipse Plug-ins

Amateras Eclipse Plug-ins This is the update site of Amateras Eclipse plug-ins includes: Amateras HTML Editor Lightweight editors and some tools for HTML, XML, JSP, JavaScript, CSS and DTD Amateras Modeler Lightweight graphical UML and ER diagram editor In


Eclipse 재실행 > [New] > [Others] > Amateras 가 들어와있는 것을 볼 수 있다.

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