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jsp_환경변수 설정(jdk, tomcat)

by 신방동불주먹 2022. 11. 21.



  • jdk 설치 (11버전)



JDK 11 Releases

JDK 11 Releases The JDK 11 Early Access Program has concluded. Please visit Java SE Downloads for production ready builds. Older releases, which do not include the most up to date security vulnerability fixes and are no longer recommended for use in produc






Apache Tomcat® - Welcome!

The Apache Tomcat® software is an open source implementation of the Jakarta Servlet, Jakarta Server Pages, Jakarta Expression Language, Jakarta WebSocket, Jakarta Annotations and Jakarta Authentication specifications. These specifications are part of the




  • 이클립스 다운로드




Eclipse Packages | The Eclipse Foundation - home to a global community, the Eclipse IDE, Jakarta EE and over 350 open source pro

502 MB 380,605 DOWNLOADS Tools for developers working with Java and Web applications, including a Java IDE, tools for JavaScript, TypeScript, JavaServer Pages and Faces, Yaml, Markdown, Web Services, JPA and Data Tools, Maven and Gradle, Git, and more. Cli




Eclipse Packages | The Eclipse Foundation - home to a global community, the Eclipse IDE, Jakarta EE and over 350 open source pro

502 MB 380,605 DOWNLOADS Tools for developers working with Java and Web applications, including a Java IDE, tools for JavaScript, TypeScript, JavaServer Pages and Faces, Yaml, Markdown, Web Services, JPA and Data Tools, Maven and Gradle, Git, and more. Cli






  • jdk 환경변수 설정


java -version : 자바버전확인

기존 jdk 다 삭제 


java home 환경변수 - 다운로드한 jdk 압축 풀어놓은 폴더로 변경

path에 java home 있는지 확인



<톰캣 서버 설정>

다운로드 압축 푼 경로








포트번호 설정


하단 톰캣 더블클릭

오라클 db랑 같은 포트기 때문에 8081로 변경해주고 ctrl+s 저장



프로젝트에 빨간 별표시가 생기는 경우

프로젝트 우클릭 - > properties ->project facets -> runtime 톰캣 체크 확인

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