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전체 글385

레슨 SELECT trr.merge_study_cnt, sub.*FROM (SELECT last_total.PROGRAM1, last_total.LECTURE_NAME, last_total.TITLE,last_total.UNIT_SEQ, AVG(last_total.percent) AS study_rate ,COUNT(*) as member_cnt ,COUNT(CASE WHEN last_total.percent > 0 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS study_cnt --학습자수 ,ROUND(NVL(COUNT(CASE WHEN last_total.percent > 0 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) / NULLIF(COUNT(*),0),0) * 100,2) AS member_rate .. 2024. 7. 22.
Argument of type 'Ref<x>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'x' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71834444/argument-of-type-refx-is-not-assignable-to-parameter-of-type-x' is not assignable to parameter of type 'x'" data-og-description="Using the new Composition API I am trying to get data from an input and pass it to a function which expects a string. However, TypeScript is complaining the types don't match up because one is a Re..." data-og-host="stackove.. 2024. 4. 26.
scp 파일이동 로컬 디렉토리의 파일을 도커로 이동 - Dockerfile - mysql-init.d scp -O -P 22 ./pds.jar yourim@ 폴더채 전송을 했는데 아래와 같은 메세지 발생시 root@'s password: /usr/local/tomcat85 : not a regular file '-r' 옵션을 붙이면 된다. scp -r /home/test 2024. 4. 18.
SCP: Connection Closed subsystem request failed on channel 0 scp: Connection closed -O 옵션을 추가해주면 문제가 해결된다. $ scp -O -P 22 test.txt abc@ 2024. 4. 18.
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) 에러내용 : ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) 해결방법: 호스트 주소를 추가로 명시하고 접속 mysql -u root -h -p 또는 실행중인 도커에 접속하여 MYSQL 접속 docker exec -it [컨테이너ID] bash 2024. 4. 16.
Docker compose docker compose.yml 파일로 여러 컨테이너를 한 번에 관리한다. 1. Dockerfile 과 같은 루트 경로에 docker-compose.yml 파일 생성. services: springboot-mysql: container_name: springboot-mysql platform: linux/amd64 image: mysql:8.0.28 restart: unless-stopped environment: MYSQL_DATABASE: pds MYSQL_ROOT_HOST: '%' MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 1234 TZ: 'Asia/Seoul' ports: - "3306:3306" volumes: - ./mysql-init.d:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d netw.. 2024. 4. 9.